John Holdun


Newer Blog Posts

Inspired by Jeremy, I have disallowed Google crawling my personal website. I don’t expect this to change my life in any way, except that it feels nice in this exact moment. I would say goodbye to Google but they wouldn’t see it lol

The newest addition to my bag of tricks in trying to get people away from Figma: The New CSS by Matthias Ott. No design tool can accurately capture what is possible in a browser better than the technologies the browser offers us!

A picnic table with a red-and-white checkered table cloth holds a ridiculous collection of wooden cars all lined up, ready to race.

Entrants in a no-rules pinewood derby

Club Tee Gee

Two play cars sitting on a street corner. They are both eerily drained of color.

Found some ghosts

Spirit Halloween has released their first teaser video for this season’s props, which means it’s now Halloween. Happy Halloween!

Side project update: just bought a domain name for a new side project

A roaming security robot in a parking lot

I want to push this thing over so bad. Legally this is a joke for humor purposes only

LAX Economy Parking

A painted possum nestled in a garden

Pleased to see a Mike Bennett piece in my neighborhood!

I’m just realizing the lyrics to the Blue’s Clues theme song are:

‘Cause when we use our minds and take a step at a time
We can do anything that we wanna do

For 20(?) years I thought it was “take a step out of time,” which somehow described the supernatural ability of skidoo-ing into a picture, which was apparently always necessary to solve Blue’s puzzles. But now I understand that this is nothing.

Another banger from Ted Chiang: Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?

For those of you who chart the weather by my watch band: I switched from leather to nylon today so now it is warm

This is all great advice: Reasonable System for JavaScript Structure

Merlin the wizard on a parade float

Didn’t know Merlin had this kind of pull honestly


Iterative Disciplines

I think specialization is detrimental to building websites.

A collection of storage containers, positioned in the form of a reclining person, set in the desert against the mountains

Matt Johnson, Sleeping Figure

CA 111

A display that reads SEA OTTERS on some fake rocks

This place is silly with Papyrus

Aquarium of the Pacific

A fountain in a hotel courtyard, boisterous splashes flanked by large, bright, pink and yellow walls

Camino Real

A food cart with the Ninja Turtles painted on the side. It reads LAS TORTUGAS


Such a bummer to watch all the clever technologists who managed to avoid the thrall of blockchains finally get suckered by Markov chains

Using Instapaper on Kobo Readers

This is the most servicey thing I’ve probably ever written.

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